Family, India

Women’s Day

It is March 8th and yet another Women’s Day..while we rejoice this important day and women’s equality is always discussed in all spheres of life in every part of the world,  I keep wondering what can and should change for women. It should not be a one day affair that we talk about it and forget about it later in the year. From career choices, to pay checks, to household chores – there is always something that a women wants to speak up for.


While I have always been very lucky in that “I” have been the only one in my life who always made my choices in how I want to work, whether I want to work and how my life will be, I know many women might not have that luxury. They are boxed into certain “careers” or “likes” from a very young age. They are told(directly or indirectly) they should be married at ‘xyz’ age and not study too much(because they will not get an equally educated groom!!) (All this might not be as prevalent in the bigger cities of India – but it is definitely present in the smaller cities)

Women in bigger cities of India have definitely come a long way but still I feel we are “boxed” into certain categories “working before marriage”, “should not work after marriage”, “must work after marriage” etc etc. I am sure most of us are helping in any little way, but I would suggest the beautiful woman to take charge and decide what is best for her and her family… after all the woman’s happiness is the family’s happiness!

Help her choose what she wants to do and stand by her!

Cheers and Happy Women’s Day! 🙂