exams, Family, India

My girl!

These are not easy times…neither me, your father or brother have gone through such times at your age! The pandemic has made sure that you have not seen your school for the past 2 years and you have not seen your school friends in person for the past 2 years as well! There have been no in-person birthday parties, no sports day, no annual day, less in-person exams, no school bus rides, no bus gossips and no in-person fights… 😉 There have been a lot of “no”, “no” and more “no” and “virtual”, “virtual” and “virtual” the past 2 years…..

But I love the way all of you children have taken the pandemic in your stride. You have adapted to virtual classes, virtual birthday parties, virtual art classes, online exams and virtual meetups. You have been in touch with everyone and have a gala time even though virtually! I love you all the more for this!! 🙂

The ICSE boards suddenly decided to change the pattern of exam to two semesters at the last minute and you all adapted very well. All along, ICSE was only focused on “keywords” and now, MCQs popped up at the last minute. All the children adjusted very well and as parents we could only sit in awe and admire the children for their adjustment!

Today the 10th grade ICSE Semester 1 results were declared and I just love your scores. Congratulations for achieving such awesome marks(even though you could have done a tad bit better!! 😉 😉 (After all, I am an Indian mother and I have to expect the perfect scores in any exam, don’t I? 😉 ;))

You have undergone a lot more this academic year in addition to the pandemic. You had a nasty bout of physical sickness in October that had to get you hospitalized for 2 days. You sailed through it all with your giggly and joyful self(in sharp contrast to your brother! ;)) You appeared for Grade 10 semester 1 physical exams and had a good time in November and December(or did I have good time dropping you and picking you from school? 😉 ;))

At 5 ft 3 inches you are the shortest in a family of tallies!! 🙂 Yet, you don’t care about that either and are just happy with yourself!! 🙂 You have a sweet mind of your own and we have our regular mother – daughter fights!! 🙂 We always agree to disagree and have never ending dramas and arguments. If there is one person who never agrees with me in the house – it has to be you!! 🙂 Yet, it is never in a bad taste and I am always surprised how the youngest person in the house never agrees with me… 😉 🙂

It is also always amusing that you are my sharpest food critic as well! You have your own dressing sense and we both can never agree on clothing attire for you. We have been having attire battles from the time you were in grade 2!! 🙂

You have been teaching me the meaning of acronyms such as “smh”, “idrk”, “yeet” and more…:) sometimes, I feel like I am in a Greek land !! 🙂

Yet, you are one of two people who follow my InfoSec teachings diligently. You do not put your picture anywhere, use a safe and private browser and do not get carried away by social media sharing ! 🙂 You know all the nitty gritty details about OTP, Single Sign on, and other basic InfoSec concepts. You also know that CISSP is a leading InfoSec certification! 🙂 You dreamt of becoming a white hat hacker though that might have changed by now.

Whatever, you wish to be -be,my Girl! 🙂 The world is your oyster!! And I will always be there for you!! 🙂

Now, let us get started for Semester 2 exams of Grade 10!! 😉


Amma, Daddy and Anna!

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